Selborne Primary School

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Stars of the Week

In our weekly assembly, we recognise a child from each class who has acted in an exemplary way towards one of our six keys and award them a certificate acknowledging this.

This half term, our key is Confidence

Week ending  Friday 26th April  2024

The Stars of the week are:


Kulsoom, (5 Ash), Congratulations, Excellent Spanish!


Mikael, (4 Oak), for showing great confidence in P.E and during football club.

1 Ash

Yu, for building his confidence speaking to adults.

1 Oak

Ram, for confidently sharing his thoughts and ideas when problem solving in maths.

1 Beech

Christine, for working hard to memorise lines for our upcoming assembly.

2 Ash

Dawud, for showing confidence when reading aloud.

2 Oak

Freya, for contributing her ideas well in maths discussions.

2 Beech

Harrison, for becoming more confident in sharing his answers.

3 Ash

Isaac, for sharing insightful thoughts and facts.

3 Oak

Shannon, for sharing her ideas with confidence during our mathematical learning.

 3 Beech

Nysha, for saying her thoughts out loud in a discussion.

 4 Ash

Zakairyya, for developing his confidence in work across the curriculum.

4 Oak

Wali, for a confident piece of writing about the vikings.

4 Beech

Ali, for showing great confidence and improvement in maths lessons.

5 Ash

Zacki, for reading aloud with great confidence.

5 Oak

Crystal, for getting confidently prepared for her class assembly.

6 Ash

Abdullah, for confidently explaining his methods to the class in maths.

 6 Oak

Ibrahim, for always having a positive mindset.

6 Beech

Taijah, for never being afraid to ask for help or ask questions.