Selborne Primary School

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Stars of the Week

In our weekly assembly, we recognise a child from each class who has acted in an exemplary way towards one of our six keys and award them a certificate acknowledging this.

This half term, our key is Persistence

Week ending  Friday 10th January 2025





Antoni, (6 Oak), for showing great persistence during P.E

1 Ash

Lava, for always sharing great ideas during lessons.

1 Oak

Adam, for trying hard in all of his learning this week.

1 Beech

Abbas, for showing amazing persistence in improving his handwriting.

2 Ash

Abasin, for trying to include the skills he has learnt in his writing.

2 Oak

 Nyaka,  for beginning to work independently.

2 Beech

Alexander, for working hard to improve his handwriting.

3 Ash

Reni, for persisting in maths to relate multiplication and division.

3 Oak

Lawi, for showing great knowledge in his Science learning.

 3 Beech

Nasia, for always trying to work independently before asking for help in all lessons.

 4 Ash

Ihsan, for trying her best when facing challenges in English spellings.

4 Oak

Alan, for actively listening and contributing to class discussions.

4 Beech

Sienna, for always trying hard in maths to learn her times tables.

5 Ash

Laureen, for showing great persistence with her new maths learning.

5 Oak

Dominik, for being persistent in English lessons.

5 Beech

Olivia, for being persistent when completing her History timeline.

 6 Ash

Olivia, for working hard to understand and solve ratio problems in maths.

6 Oak

Aarav, for going the extra mile in preparation for our assembly.