Selborne Primary School

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Inspection Reports


Selborne Primary School had an inspection by Ofsted on 29th and 30th November 2023.

Selborne Primary continues to be an Outstanding school

Click here to read our 2023 Ofsted report

Selborne Primary school was awarded Outstanding during their last full inspection in 2017.

Click here to read our 2017 Ofsted report

Click here for Parent View

Other Inspections

Since our Ofsted inspection in 2017, the school continues to have Quality Assurance and Monitoring Visits by the Local Authority, Peer Review partners (as part of Ealing learning Partnership) and others.  We are not complacent about wanting to improve further.

A Safeguarding Audit by Karen MacKenzie (22.6.23 and 23.6.23) praised the school for its joined up safeguarding work and clear consistency.  She said, ’Staff across the whole school have a very high level of confidence in the DSL and the HT’.  She commented how there was a strong culture of safeguarding at Selborne and everything revolved around the DSL (Mrs Yates) with all the systems operating efficiently around her in the centre, to ensure that pupils stay safe.  She said that record keeping was very good, and showed a high level of follow up and support, dealt with integrity and determination to get the best outcomes for pupils.’ She mentioned the safe and well-kept site, including the high quality boundary fencing, which had been maintained well.  She also commented on the excellent work from the team with regards to chasing pupils’ attendance and the great work of the welfare manager.  Finally, Ms MacKenzie reported ‘E-safety is very well led.’ Pupil voice told her that, ‘they [pupils] feel safe and were able to explain what they meant by safe. They all have trust in the adults in school and could talk about things in the classrooms and around the school that support their mental health. Pupils articulated the various things they do and learn, within the curriculum and in assemblies, about keeping safe.’   

An Ealing Learning partnership (ELP) Peer Review took place on 18.5.23.  Visiting school leaders reviewing the school commented on the excellent use of recapping to ensure pupils retained knowledge and in lessons, the use of quality resources including ICT, in Geography. Furthermore, they reviewed and stated that the exceptional leadership of Maths across the whole school ensured consistency in a Maths Mastery approach and led to high pupil outcomes. Finally in PE, the review team noted a clear whole school intent with links made to other curriculum areas. Even young pupils were observed being able to self-assess in sports lessons and could suggest ways to improve their skills and practice.

Local Authority ‘Health’ Check took place on 22.9.22. LA consultants commented that school leaders have worked meticulously to develop and embed a broad, rich, and balanced curriculum with a strong focus on consistency and securing the best possible outcomes for all pupils. The teaching of reading is a top priority and leaders are committed to ensuring that all pupils develop the necessary skills to be fluent and lifelong readers. They observed that support staff have strong subject knowledge and skills to deliver tailored intervention sessions, which are contributing to the lowest 20% making good and, in many cases, exceptional progress from their starting points. Furthermore, effective systems and structures are ensuring that the individual needs of SEND and disadvantaged pupils are being addressed and that these pupils are making good and, in many cases, exceptional progress across the wider curriculum. They noted that Selborne staff are committed to improving all pupils’ life chances and this is reflected in the teaching practices and the extensive enrichment activities on offer. 

Whilst reviewing the school, they said that pupils talk passionately about how the teachers set high expectations for them and how they have raised their aspirations about what they could do in later life. They noted that pupils spoken to in lessons, presented themselves as happy, confident and enthusiastic learners who have high expectations of themselves and want to achieve.  Moreover, the school’s strong ethos is reflected in the pupils’ exemplary behaviour and attitudes towards learning.

An Ealing Learning partnership (ELP) Peer Review took place on 24.5.22.  Visiting school leaders peer reviewed the school’s choice of Phonics scheme and concluded that the consistency in the use of terminology and staff subject knowledge meant that pupils were fully engaged in lessons and as a result, made exceptional progress. They concluded that in History, pupils know and remember more as a result of a clearly well-planned and sequential curriculum. Peer reviewers also looked at how well the ARP pupils are included in the mainstream school and commented that due to strong leadership of the ARP and the school’s leadership team making the ARP integration a priority, pupils access individualised plans for integration seamlessly and are fully integrated (when appropriate) into the school. The reason they integrate so successfully was as a result of well-planned, personalised and inclusive provision. They also commented on the excellent relationships between staff and pupils right across the school but particularly in the ARP setting.