Selborne Primary School

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School Rules 

At Selborne, we expect all pupils to uphold our school rules. On a weekly basis, children in Years 1 – 6, who behave well and follow our school rules keep their ‘star’. Weekly stars accumulate over the school year and every multiple of 6 will earn a stationery prize, awarded each half term, in a whole school ‘Star Assembly’. However ‘losing’ their star for poor behaviour choices is part of our sanction policy. Steps in class include:

  1. Usual behaviour reminders as part of Quality First Teaching.
  2. “REMINDER” given to refrain from behaviour.
  3. “WARNING” given to refrain from behaviour.
  4. Star lost for week – teacher sends message to office by 2:30pm (whenever possible) and parents informed by text that day. This star cannot be ‘earnt’ back.

For more serious incidents (such as physical aggression), a star may be taken straight away without a reminder or warning.

Click here to view our Behaviour Policy