Selborne Primary School

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School Meals







 Selborne Lunch Menu - October 2024 to April 2025

Please note the menu is subject to change due to the current situation regarding availability of ingredients from the suppliers

* The menu is changed twice each year. 


Payments must be made directly to ISS.  Your child's account must remain in credit to ensure they are provided with a meal (Year 3 to Year 6). Enquiries about paying for meals please contact ISS on 01924 792 334 or 01483 516703. 

ISS Catering 

ISS Catering

Our caterer is ISS Catering, they provide freshly cooked meals on site. To register your child click on the link below. Please register with them before 1st September.

Guidance how to register your child for school dinners

Information about ISS Catering - our catering company 

Welcome from ISS Catering

Food allergies

If your child has any food allergies or intolerances you need to ensure that our Welfare Manager is aware. Please read the ISS Dietary Safeguarding Policy. You also must complete the form below so that ISS catering can provide an appropriate menu for your child. Once you have completed the form email it us at

Special Diet Referral Form

Nut allergies

Selborne is a Nut Free school.  ISS require the parent/carer of a child with a nut allergy to read their Dietary Safeguarding Policy and to sign the Nut Allergy Consent slip so they are able to choose food from the daily menu. Enquires about special dietary requirements please email

ISS Dietary Safeguarding Policy

ISS Nut Allergy Consent Slip

Universal Free School Meals for all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children

The government has ensured that from September 2014 all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will receive a free school meal at lunchtime. Every child in these classes is entitled to the free school meal and will be provided with one at Selborne Primary School.

Universal Free School Meals for Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

Following the announcement by the Mayor of London, Universal Free School Meals will be available to all primary school children from September 2023.  

Packed lunch (only for Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils)

If your child brings a packed lunch to eat in school, it should be a balanced lunch and should contain at least one item from each of the following categories:

  • Starchy foods:  These are bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and others
  • Protein foods:  These are meat, fish, eggs, beans and others
  • A dairy item:  This could be cheese or a yoghurt
  • Vegetables or salad and a portion of fruit.

Please ensure that nuts, chocolate or fizzy drinks are not included in your child’s lunch; only water is permitted.

Packed lunch poster

Change4Life have produced a healthy eating lunch menu filled with lots of ideas, which can be seen here.

For ideas on how to include more vegetables into your child's lunch see here.

Free school meals  

If you are in receipt of benefits, your child may be entitled to receive additional funding to support their learning.  Parents may also be entitled to receive supermarket vouchers from Ealing Council during the school holiday period.  It is important that you apply for Free School Meals to ensure your child receives all the support they are entitled to.   


Do you claim any of the following:- 

  • Benefit/Income
  • Income support
  • Job-Seekers Allowance
  • NASS
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Employment and Support Allowances
  • Pension Credit with Child Tax Credit
  • Incapacity Benefit
  • Incapacity Benefit with Child Tax Credit

Please ask at the school office for a Free School Meal application form, this process is confidential.

Food Hygiene Rating

Latest Inspection- 08 February 2023

Selborne Primary School received the top rating of 5 from Ealing Council’s Food Regulatory Services Officer after an unannounced food inspection on 08 February 2023. Please click for further information about the rating scheme below.

Click here