Selborne Primary School

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Extra-Curricular Clubs

 We offer a wide variety of clubs for our mainstream pupils.  You sign up for these clubs in the first few weeks of a new term through our online system and parents will be sent an email and text message reminder when the new club lists go out.  There is a small admin fee to sign up for a club and there is an expectation that you attend weekly, otherwise you deny another child from accessing that place; you cannot join a club mid-term.

We have morning clubs, lunchtime clubs and after school clubs in a variety of ‘hobbies’ such as a traditional and less traditional sports clubs (including boxercise, cheerleading, cross country club and dodgeball), film club, Spanish club, art club, choir, drama club, sewing club and even a colouring club to name a few!  Not all clubs are open to all age ranges but it will be clear from the email.  Some ARP children are able to access some clubs suitable for their ability and age (please speak to Ms Aziz for more information).  At times, our ARP Speech and Language therapist also offers a lunchtime club suitable for our ARP pupils.

 We also run a wide range of after school (and sometimes early morning) academic booster clubs.  These are run so that your child can ‘catch up’ with some learning (perhaps if they are underperforming in Maths, struggling with Phonics or to boost them to get Greater Depth (higher) standard in reading).  There are no charge for ‘booster’ clubs and they are invitation only (you cannot ask for your child to join them).  The teacher will invite your child if they need to attend and they need to go. 

 We also commission some outside providers to run clubs using our school premises.  We offer language club to all pupils from Y1 – 6 in French and Spanish. We also offer yoga club from a qualified yoga teacher.  These clubs require a payment (details in the email to the relevant year group). 


List of Extra-Curricular Clubs - Spring Term 2024 . 2025


Letter to Parents Extra Curricular Clubs - Spring Term 2024 . 2025



Our After School Club childcare provision (from 3:15 – 6pm) is completely separate and run externally by Boom Sports on our school grounds.  This is childcare (snack provided, help with homework and a planned sports session)  and all fees related to this are collected by Boom Sports in advance. 
