Selborne Primary School

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Attendance Levels

99% & 100% Excellent
96% - 99%

Very good and at expected level

Keep it up

91% - 95% 

Careful - Your child can’t afford to have any more time off.

Try and get the % higher as the year goes by and the weather warmer.

If not - they could begin to struggle in their learning and will not achieve the progress they are capable of.

Do you really want them to fall behind in their learning?

Below 90%

This is the new threshold.

If you child’s attendance is below 90% - your child is NOW known as a

P.A. Persistent Absentee

85% - 90%

This could be up to 20 days = 4 weeks of learning missed by July !!

Below 85%

!!This is completely unacceptable!!

Your child has possibly missed up to 30 days of school.

!! This is 6 weeks worth of learning !!

The LA can issue a fine to you if you do not get your child to school.

As a parent/carer it is your responsibility to do this.

Give your child the start in life they deserve & bring them to school.

Click below to view the attendance policy

Attendance Policy