Selborne Primary School

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Our Library

At Selborne, we are passionate about reading and make it a priority.  We know that reading unlocks access to learning in all subjects, and our aim is to encourage the children to develop a love of books and a passion for reading. Our reading motto is ‘Reading is our Window to a New World’. In order to facilitate the love of reading, we have an attractive and well-stocked library containing a diverse range of books that the children enjoy; they themselves have chosen many of the books! Each class has a weekly timetabled library slot, in which the children are encouraged to return and borrow a book of their choice, as well as read and relax in the inviting, comfortable space.

Every Tuesday and Friday lunchtime, the Year 5 Junior librarians meet up to ensure the library is tidy and well-presented. They also have an opportunity to stock up the library shelves with new and exciting books as well as discuss ideas and plan displays and new book orders for the library. Their love of reading and the passion that they have for the school library contributes to the library being a space that all of our children love!

Reasons to visit

  • Readers make more rounded students
  • Readers extend their vocabulary
  • Library users are independent learners
  • Library users have positive attitudes to learning
  • Library users’ achievement is higher

We have…

  • Large fiction section for the younger reader
  • A growing ‘older’ fiction section for the more able reader
  • A substantial non-fiction section for a variety of interests
  • Dual language books
  • Parent book swap (foreign language books welcome!)
  • Titles chosen by pupils
  • A library card for every pupil including the very youngest
  • Designated weekly class sessions

We are…

  • Acting on children’s suggestions for our environment
  • In need of volunteers

Please come and make our library the best learning resource it can be. Mrs. Patel welcomes suggestions and any eager helpers!