Selborne Primary School

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Our Curriculum Intent

Our aim is to deliver the National Curriculum to provide our pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding so they can fulfil their potential. We want pupils to know more, remember more and be able to do more, year upon year at Selborne. Pupils' learning is connected, relevant and purposeful. Our broad and balanced curriculum is well designed to emulate our school motto of 'Inspire and Achieve'. Reading is a core skill which underpins all teaching in every subject. 

We work in partnership with our parents and carers as our whole school community focuses on our six keys to success: Respect, Getting Along, Resilience, Persistence, Organisation and Confidence. 

Our curriculum is underpinned by the teaching of British Values (Mutual Respect, Individual Liberty, Democracy and Rule of Law) which ensures that we foster an inclusive learning environment. We have high expectations of behaviour and academic performance; we expect all our children to work hard and do their best so that they develop into well-rounded and responsible individuals, able to contribute in their community. 

Our school utilises its proximity to London and every term, pupils partake in a wide variety of visits and experiences. Pupils' learning is enhanced through theme days, visitors and workshops to inspire their learning and enhance their cultural capital, narrowing the disadvantage gap. 

 Please click below to see what each year group will be covering this half term

Curriculum Newsletters