Selborne Primary School

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Feedback from parents and pupils

Parental questionnaire, July 2024

parent survey results 2024.pdf

Parental questionnaire, July 2023

The parental questionnaire was carried out in July 2023.

Click here to see the results

Headteacher’s commentary

Thank you to all the parents for completing our survey.  It was the first year that we sent out an electronic survey and although the completion rate was less than previous years, we need to try to use technology more in school and less paper methods. We are a green (highest level) eco-school after all!  

I am pleased that many results are in the 90s – with 95% of parents feeling that their child is making good progress at Selborne.  I was surprised that only 83% of parents felt that Selborne met their child’s needs.  I am aware that a group of parents are awaiting more specialist provision to be allocated by Ealing Council (eg. a Special Needs School or another SEND unit for their child) and I appreciate how frustrating this is that there are no Special Needs school spaces in the Borough. Please speak to Mrs Yates, our experienced school SENCO, if you feel that Selborne does not meet your child’s needs as we always strive to with our skilled teachers and teaching assistants, adaptive whole class teaching, the use of ability setting in Reception and KS1 for Phonics and ability setting in Years 4, 5 and 6 for English and Maths to deliver precision teaching. At Parents’ Evening and Target setting days, you receive a print out (from our Provision Mapping software) of all the extra interventions and support your child has received as we focus on meeting all your child’s academic and pastoral needs. Our well above average progress scores published nationally (in some subjects, we have one of the highest progress scores in the Borough) are further evidence of the academic input that our teaching staff give to our pupils throughout their time here.  

Only 81% of parents feel that the school listens to their suggestions and concerns and we are keen to improve this statistic. I have highlighted again the Parents and Carers’ suggestions box which is in the office foyer; we always want to listen to suggestions about how to make our school better.  In the last two years, I have had one suggestion placed in there by a Y6 child and I was able to action this suggestion straight away.  Some parents do email in suggestions and the office forward all of these to me.  Always feel free to speak to your classteacher about any suggestions or concerns – they really do care about your child. I will also endeavour to be explicitly clear when we have changed practices or procedures in school as a result of parental suggestions and feedback as perhaps we do not always make this obvious to you.  We know that parents want halal food at lunchtimes and we are working with Ealing Council to try to get funding for a larger school kitchen as our current school kitchen facility is not large enough to cope with the number of school lunches prepared daily. Ealing are trying to source the £1 million needed for the construction work.

Obviously, we are pleased that 94% of you feel that we keep your child safe.  Could I urge the 6% of parents to speak to us immediately with their concerns as we work tirelessly to endeavour to keep all our pupils safe from harm at all times, both inside and off the school site.  Our recent safeguarding audit of the school highlighted our superb and excellent practices and procedures regarding safeguarding and praised the strong culture of safeguarding at Selborne, with well trained and experienced school leaders who insisted that pupil safety was paramount at all times.

Some of our favourite comments from the free writing section were:

  • Absolutely wonderful school. All the teachers are approachable, caring and busy, so busy! Thank you for guiding my children through.  We are so sad to now be leaving the school’s community as we move away up north.
  • I’m happy to see how my children are progressing and growing in their learning. Fantastic school; immaculately run!    
  • I love the school and so happy my girls go there. The teachers are amazing – very satisfied.
  • I am happy with the teachers in this school as they are able to see when a child has learning problems and devote a lot of attention to helping him [sic] so that he understands better.
  • Best decision ever bringing my child to this school – thank you.
  • Words cannot express my gratitude with the whole team.
  • Selborne is doing a great job. I particularly value the new initiatives in informing the children about sustainable living.  My son was a forest school ambassador this year and he really enjoyed it.


Thank you for all your comments – we strive to get even better and be the best we can at all times. We need to do this in partnership with you.


Mrs K. Shilling


September 2023

Parent feedback - Remote learning during January 2021 lockdown

Feedback from parents about remote learning at Selborne during January 2021 lockdown

Pupil feedback - Catch up after lockdown

Pupils in years 5 and 6 were asked: What has Selborne done this year to help you to catch up after two lockdowns? Please click on the link below for their feedback.

Catch up after lockdown - feedback from years 5 and 6

Eco-Schools - Parent questionnaire, July 2021

Eco-Schools - Parent questionaire results, July 2021

Parental questionnaire, September 2019

The parental questionnaire was carried out in July 2019.

Click here to see the results

Headteacher’s commentary

I am delighted with this year’s parental survey results.  It is really pleasing to have ratings of 100% in many areas, however we are not complacent.  We want to provide the very best education to your children and work efficiently in partnership with you.  We would also love to get more responses to the questionnaire which goes out every year in your child’s school report.  We do already offer the prize of a gift voucher as an incentive to get more of you to reply!

I am always keen to listen to your suggestions (and concerns).  There is a comment box in the office foyer and I check it regularly – please feel free to drop a note in it anytime.  I enjoy speaking to many of you on the school gate and we have two formal opportunities in the year when you can directly give ideas and suggestions (and discuss concerns) with your year group teachers.  These ‘parent feedback sessions’ have also been attended by our Governors recently so they can also liaise further with you.  However, some year groups only have 5 or 6 parents attend these so please try to make an effort to come – especially if you have ideas that you want us to listen to.  Please also remember that we use a Year Group Leader structure so if you have spoken to your class teacher and want further reassurance then you can go and speak to your relevant Year Leader.  There are also corresponding Assistant Headteachers for each phase of the school so I have lots of staff available to listen and reassure. 

I am delighted that 100% of you feel that your child is safe at Selborne, with 73% strongly agreeing.  In our recent safeguarding audit so many strengths were clearly identified in our outstanding practice here. There were no recommendations, however we constantly strive to ensure that your child is safe and happy in their learning. 

We look forward to working in partnership with you again in the 2019/20 academic year. 

Mrs K. Shilling


September 2019

Parental questionnaire, July 2018

The parental questionnaire was carried out in July 2018.

Click here to see the results

Headteacher’s commentary

I am delighted that we had 20 more responses than last year’s survey – thank you, parents/carers for the feedback. Last year we achieved 100% in only one area (My child is making good progress at Selborne Primary School) but this year we achieved 100% strongly agree/agree in 8 questions which we are very pleased with. Comments came from parents such as, ‘the teachers are all well qualified and teaching standards are high compared to other schools’ and ‘we love Selborne Primary School’. 100% of parents (strongly agree or agree) feel that the school communications help them to keep informed and this is a 3% increase from last year. We continue to work hard to maintain our school website so that it contains the up-to-date information that you need; parents have noticed this. We endeavour to get more parent ‘followers’ on Twitter so you can share up to date photos and tweets of events happening in school @selborne_pri.

There has been a 10% increase in strongly agree to ‘The school listens to my suggestions and concerns’ with 98% of parents (compared to 95% last year) strongly agreeing or agreeing. Please remember that class teachers are there for you to talk to (outside of times when the pupils are their priority) and each year group has a Year Leader in charge so it is somebody else for you to liaise with. Moreover there is an Assistant Headteacher in charge of Lower, Middle and Upper school so we can listen and help. There is also a box in the office which you can post any suggestions and comments at any time and I check it regularly. A parent commented, ‘the school has improved so much in recent years and I feel listened to’ and another said, ‘all the teachers are happy to help and care’.      

I am pleased that 99% of parents strongly agree and agree that ‘The school helps me to support my child’s learning’ (3% increase from last year and a 10% increase for strongly agree). Our staff spent lots of time preparing workshops on a variety of subjects to help you feel confident with school’s techniques and methods. A couple of working parents would rather these were offered in the evening but Mr Cox surveyed parents and the most popular time requested for workshops was 8:50am, especially as this time meant that younger pupils were in class so parents could concentrate more easily. We have run evening workshops and information sessions (Ofsted feedback; internet safety) but these have been poorly attended. We do publish the dates well in advance so parents can get prepared. 

We are thrilled that 100% of parents strongly agree and agree (with 88% agreeing – a 4% increase from last year) that ‘My child enjoys coming to Selborne Primary School’.  Parents commented, ‘my daughter has loved all the sporting activities that she can attend after school for free and she has thrived in choir club – thank you’. We love having your children at our outstanding school and thank you for all your continued support. 

Mrs K. Shilling.


September 2018


Parental questionnaire, July 2017

The parental questionnaire was carried out in July 2017.

Click here to see the results

Headteacher’s Commentary

I am delighted with such positive parent responses on the Parent Questionnaire at the end of the academic year 2016-17. This mirrors what Ofsted reported when it said that parents were very supportive of the school and typically describe it as ‘outstanding’, ‘excellent’ or ‘brilliant’ (May 2017).

100% of you felt that your child is making good progress with almost three quarters of you strongly agreeing this. Some individual parents’ comments praised, ‘the best teachers ever’ and ‘staff genuinely care about pupils and their progress’.

Furthermore, parents commented, ‘I feel the school is really well led’ and ‘excellent management of the school’. In fact, 61% of parents strongly agreed that the school was well led and managed. This echoed Ofsted’s outstanding judgement of the school’s Leadership and Management.    

Pleasingly, 96% of parents felt that the school deals effectively with unacceptable behaviour. This is the highest percentage we have had in years from parent surveys. Our new behaviour policy is now embedded and there is a zero tolerance to inappropriate behaviour, including fighting and racism. The behaviour star system, which recognises and praises good behaviour, is really effective and pupils know how to behave and be polite. As Ofsted stated: ‘Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary’. Attitudes to learning at our school are superb too.

94% of parents thought that ‘the school makes sure my child is well prepared for the future’. We thought after our really exciting aspirations week; our varied school trip schedule, including visits to all religious places of worship; our varied assembly speakers – including the emergency services; all our e-safety work and our community focus week where pupils picked up litter in our local community and read to elderly residents in care homes etc, that all parents would feel that we do this really well. If any parents have further ideas on how we can address this then please let me know via the comments and suggestions box in the school office.

We always strive to keep your child safe and we are glad that 85% of you strongly agree, with 99% of parents in agreement. In recent, turbulent times I always reassure pupils of this too. We have robust safeguarding arrangements in place and an excellent PSHE/RSE scheme of work to teach pupils how to remain safe.

One parent commented, ‘please update the school website with more photos’. I am delighted to respond to this with our new website and we commissioned a photographer to take some amazing photographs which will be shared on very soon. Our twitter feed also puts up-to-date news and photos on the website instantly.

Finally, a parent commented, ‘The school has reached outstanding which is well deserved. [This] school is fantastic and cannot be praised enough.’

Thank you for all your amazing and continued support. 

Mrs K. Shilling


September 2017